
From NexthWiki

Nexth.City: Smart Interactive Meta-Hubs

Nexth.City is the new multi-functional phygital space for the Social Lifestyle Experience that combines sociability with business. It serves as a glocal experiential digital place where users can show, promote, distribute, and organize various events and activities, including trade fairs, exhibitions, business meetings, sales, try & buy, e-commerce, cultural events, meetings, and lifestyle events.


Nexth.City redefines traditional cityscapes as hubs for interactive media experiences, offering users a dynamic and engaging environment where they can explore, interact, and participate in a wide range of activities. It serves as an iExpo center that combines the needs of businesses, brands, professional users, and consumers' expectations.

Key Features

  • Social Lifestyle Experience: Nexth.City provides users with a social lifestyle experience that seamlessly integrates sociability with business activities. Users can engage in social interactions while also conducting business transactions and exploring various offerings.
  • Multi-functional Phygital Space: The platform offers a multi-functional phygital space where users can showcase, promote, and distribute their products or services, as well as organize and participate in a variety of events and activities.
  • Organizational Tools: Nexth.City includes organizational tools such as WEEIUP, which enables users to plan, coordinate, and manage trade fairs, exhibitions, business meetings, and other events with ease and efficiency.
  • Combination of Needs: Nexth.City caters to the diverse needs of businesses, brands, professional users, and consumers, providing a platform where they can interact, collaborate, and engage in mutually beneficial activities.


  • Enhanced Sociability: By combining sociability with business activities, Nexth.City fosters a vibrant and dynamic community where users can network, socialize, and build relationships.
  • Versatile Functionality: The platform's multi-functional phygital space offers versatile functionality, allowing users to engage in a wide range of activities, from business transactions to cultural events and lifestyle experiences.
  • Efficient Organization: With organizational tools like WEEIUP, users can efficiently plan, coordinate, and manage events and activities, streamlining the process and maximizing productivity.
  • Integrated Experience: Nexth.City provides an integrated experience that combines physical and digital elements, creating a seamless and immersive environment for users to explore, interact, and engage.


Nexth.City is a revolutionary platform that reimagines cityscapes as Smart Interactive Meta-Hubs for the Social Lifestyle Experience. With its combination of sociability, business functionality, organizational tools, and versatile functionality, Nexth.City offers users a dynamic and engaging platform for socializing, conducting business, and participating in various events and activities.

For more information, visit [](

For more information, visit Nexth.City.