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Experiential: Weei.Press

Weei.Press revolutionizes news engagement by integrating interactive video and audio elements seamlessly into the content. This experiential approach transforms traditional news consumption into an immersive and interactive experience.

Key Features

  • Interactive Video and Audio Elements: By incorporating interactive video and audio components into news stories, Weei.Press allows users to engage with the content in dynamic and meaningful ways.
  • Contextual Call-to-Actions: Our call-to-actions are synchronized with the context of the news, delivering relevant commercial proposals and experiential messages that are tailored to the audience's interests and behaviors.
  • Immersive News Experience: The integration of interactive elements creates a more engaging and immersive news experience, where users can explore additional layers of information and content.


  • Enhanced Engagement: Interactive elements captivate the audience's attention, making news consumption a more engaging and enjoyable experience.
  • Relevance and Personalization: Contextual call-to-actions ensure that commercial proposals and messages are relevant to the user's interests, enhancing the overall user experience.
  • Opportunities for Exploration: The experiential approach encourages users to explore, learn, and engage with the content in deeper ways, creating a more informative and enriching experience.
  • Seamless Integration: Interactive elements are seamlessly woven into the news content, providing a cohesive and unobtrusive experience for the audience.


Weei.Press redefines how news is experienced by integrating interactive video and audio elements, creating an immersive and engaging environment for users. With contextual call-to-actions and tailored messages, every interaction becomes an opportunity to explore, learn, and engage with the news in new and exciting ways.

Infotainment: Weei.Press

Weei.Press revolutionizes news delivery with a focus on infotainment, integrating news with interactive actainment video experiences and AI interactions to engage users. This innovative approach enriches the news ecosystem with greater relevance and interactivity, making news consumption more engaging and dynamic.

Key Features

  • Interactive Actainment Video Experiences: Weei.Press combines traditional news with interactive video content, allowing users to engage with news stories in a more immersive and entertaining way.
  • AI Interactions: AI-driven interactions provide personalized news experiences, offering users tailored content and insights based on their preferences and behavior.
  • Immersive Audio and Music: High-quality audio and music enhance the storytelling experience, making news consumption more enjoyable and impactful.
  • Personalized Interactive Experiences: Users can customize their news experience, choosing the type of content and the way it is presented to them, ensuring a more relevant and engaging experience.
  • Dynamic Storytelling: Innovative storytelling techniques, including augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR), bring news stories to life, providing deeper insights and engagement.
  • Virtual Tours: Explore news stories through virtual tours that offer a firsthand look at events, locations, and subjects, providing a more comprehensive understanding of the news.
  • Interactive Workshops: Participate in interactive workshops that dive deeper into news topics, fostering a more engaged and informed audience.

Ecosystem Integration

Weei.Press fosters a vibrant news ecosystem by enabling various stakeholders to participate and contribute:

  • Brands, Shops, eShops: Businesses can create their own phygital Xspots, integrating their brand stories and promotions into the Weei.Press ecosystem for enhanced customer engagement.
  • Public and Private Entities: Organizations can leverage the platform to share their news, updates, and initiatives, engaging with the audience through interactive and immersive experiences.


Weei.Press transforms the traditional news model by integrating infotainment, interactive actainment, and AI-driven personalization. This approach not only enhances user engagement but also fosters a vibrant and dynamic news ecosystem where various entities can interact and share their stories.

Advertainment: Weei.Press

Weei.Press revolutionizes advertising engagement by blending advertisement with entertainment and interactivity. This innovative approach, known as Advertainment, transforms traditional advertisements into engaging, value-added experiences that captivate audiences and drive meaningful interactions.

Key Features

  • XCircle: A cutting-edge feature that transforms news into powerful, contextualized value-added advertising messages. XCircle enables exclusive interactions such as chats, shopping, sharing, and more, seamlessly integrated into the news content.
  • Contextual Call-to-Actions: Our call-to-actions are synchronized with the news context, delivering relevant commercial proposals and experiential messages tailored to the audience's interests and behaviors.
  • Engaging and Interactive Ads: By blending advertisements with entertaining content and interactive elements, Weei.Press creates a more engaging and memorable advertising experience.
  • Personalized Experiences: Advertisements are tailored to individual user preferences, ensuring that the content is relevant and appealing to each audience member.


  • Enhanced Engagement: Advertainment captures audience attention more effectively than traditional ads by providing entertaining and interactive content.
  • Increased Relevance: Contextual call-to-actions and personalized ad experiences ensure that the advertisements are highly relevant to the users, increasing the likelihood of engagement.
  • Value-Added Interactions: Features like XCircle offer users additional value through exclusive interactions, enhancing the overall user experience and fostering brand loyalty.
  • Seamless Integration: Advertisements are seamlessly integrated into the news content, creating a cohesive and unobtrusive experience for the audience.


Weei.Press transforms the traditional advertising model by integrating entertainment, interactivity, and personalization. Through the innovative use of XCircle and contextual call-to-actions, Weei.Press delivers engaging and relevant advertising experiences that resonate with audiences and drive meaningful interactions.